We’re going to take a slight detour from our typical topics around indoor air quality (air duct, dryer vent and chimney cleaning) and talk about the connection between indoor and outdoor air quality. I recently came across an interesting article out of Taiwan.
Taiwan’s environmental protection agency Administration announced regulations for indoor air quality (IAQ) and will impose fines for schools with poor IAQ. The Administration noted that the nation’s kindergartens are a top priority for improved indoor air quality. The most problematic pollutants are CO2, CO, PM2.5 and PM10, which are blamed on idling cars during drop off and pick up times. (FYI, since I had to look this up myself, PM2.5 and PM10 refers to atmospheric particulate matter (PM) that have a diameter of less than (insert # here) micrometers.) These regulations are super interesting to me for a lot of reasons. But mostly, to stay relevant to the main idea, I hope this drives home the connection between outdoor air and indoor air quality. Somehow I think we have this false sense of security that “Phew, I’m inside, it’s safe in here” with regard to the pollutants in the air outside, the allergens that we are triggered by, and the dust that we are trying to keep ahead of. And this just isn’t accurate. What’s going on outside most certainly follows us inside (could take that really deep if you want to) so I applaud the Taiwanese government for helping to bring awareness to how a simple habit that may not even be registering in the consciousness of parents’ minds (keeping the car running during drop off and pick up) could be potentially harming their kids. Something I’m sure they would never be doing intentionally. I encourage you to think about the air quality at your kids’ daycare or school. Have you ever glanced at the supply or return vents in the classroom and noticed a layer of grayish/black dust and debris? What can you do about it? Having Dapper Ducts or another NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) certified company perform air duct cleaning, so that all of your ducts, vents and the air handler unit are free from debris and dust is a big step toward improving the air quality for the little ones in your life. Call or email Dapper Ducts today for a quote!
AuthorThe Dapper Ducts team wants you to know all about indoor air quality. Archives
October 2019